MEGA Degree Apprenticeship in Conjunction with Ulster University
Northern Ireland’s first Degree Apprenticeship in Manufacturing & Engineering is designed to help create a pipeline of skilled talent fit for industry’s needs.
In partnership with Ulster University’s School of Computing, Engineering and Intelligent Systems at Magee, and subject to approval, MEGA is stepping outside of its Mid Ulster area to deliver an innovative Degree Apprenticeship that will aid companies in the industry across NI.
This four-year programme is aimed at people who wish to attain a level 6 Honours Degree with sought-after and employable skills for the engineering & manufacturing industry.
It presents an alternative to the traditional degree route – and instead will see apprentices employed from day one in an earn-as-you-learn model.
This means participants of the programme incur no cost in their higher level education; in fact they earn a wage.
As a Degree Apprentice they will apply their theory in real-time making instant impact within their company, a fantastic opportunity to build an impressive CV alongside studying for their degree, giving participants a great platform to build their career on.
Robotics, artificial intelligence, and digitalization will be among key themes studied.
The Degree Apprenticeship, which is currently seeking funding from the Department has many advantages, including:
- Providing employers with highly skilled employees
- Allowing Apprentices to attain a degree debt-free
- Giving these high-level Apprentices a solid platform for great careers in growth sectors.
MEGA Degree Apprenticeship

Further Enquiries
If you are a Student or a Company and wish to hear more on the Degree Apprenticeship, please fill in the enquiry form.
+44(0) 7442365758
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